Building an action camera using a Raspberry Pi and Java

20140625_205058I’m in charge of preparing some material for the new second year “Software Development” course here at Middlesex. As part of the new Java course I thought it would be a good idea to start exploring the Raspberry Pi GPIO (General Purpose I/O) pins with Java. These pins are very easy to use in Python, but with Java they require a bit more work (not much, don’t worry and keep reading).

Instead of just doing the usual exercises with traffic lights and digital inputs, I thought that it would be a nice idea to build a more “concrete” application. As a result, I decided to build an action camera that could be mounted on my bike helmet (by pure chance soon after after GoPro IPO 30% increase…). My plan is to have:

  1. A digital input switch (to set the camera on/off)
  2. A couple of LEDs to show the status of the application
  3. The standard Raspberry camera (the quality is excellent!)
  4. A USB WiFi dongle to make the Raspberry Pi an access point. Well, I’m not planning to use the Raspberry Pi as a router, I just would like it to set up a wireless network to which one could connect with a phone or a laptop to download the videos that are captured (TODO: I would like to implement a Racket-based web server to view the videos, delete them, etc.).

The final result (camera mounted on helmet) is shown above. This is a video made with the above set-up and with an appropriate “Twinkle twinkle Little Star” tune, given the time at which it was taken:

This is a picture of the wiring, see below for details:


OK, let’s start. I assume you have a working Raspbian image, a wireless dongle that works with hostapd (see, an input switch, a couple of LEDs and some experience with Linux and, more importantly, with Java. I’m using Java 8, but version 7 should work fine as well, see for installation instructions. First of all you need to familiarise with the GPIO pins. This is a close-up picture of the GPIO pins (with some pins connected):


Forget about the clarity, simplicity and engineering beauty of Arduino pins…

  • First of all, there are no numbers on the pins. Check carefully the picture above and you should see “P1″ on one of them: this is the only number you’ll get on the board.
  • There are three ways (that I know) to number the GPIO pins, and in most cases numbering is not sequential (see below).
  • The numbering has changed between Revision 1 and Revision 2
  • Revision 2 has an additional set of pins (but these are only accessible on the P5 header: turn the Raspberry Pi upside down and look for small holes: this is the P5 header). In the picture above you can see two holes to the right of R2: this is the beginning of the P5 header.

Keeping all this in mind, have a look at the table available at this link: The two central columns (header) provide a progressive numbering. The columns “Name” contain the labels that are called “Board” in Python GPIO (for instance: the fourth pin on the left column from the top is called GPIO-zero-seven and 0V means “ground”). The column BCM GPIO contains another numbering (this numbering has changed between revision 1 and revision 2; for instance, BCM pin 21 in revision 1 is BCM pin 27 in revision 2). Finally, there is a “WiringPi Pin” numbering and this is the one that we are going to use with Java below. If you carefully check the picture above you’ll see, from left to right that:

  • There is one green wire connected to 0 V (ground) on header 9 and a red wire connected to WiringPi pin 1 (corresponding to GPIO 01): these will  control the red LED.
  • There is a red wire connected to WiringPi pin 2 (corresponding to GPIO 02) and a yellow one to 0 V (ground) on header 14: these will control the green LED.
  • There is a white wire connected to WiringPi pin 14 (header 23) and a purple one to 0 V (ground) on header 25. These will be connected to the on/off switch using a PULL-UP resistor (more on this later).

If you didn’t give up reading and you reached this point: congratulations, we are nearly there :-). It is now time to go back to Java and the first thing you need to do is to download Pi4J (, a  library to “provide a bridge between the native libraries and Java for full access to the Raspberry Pi“. Get the 1.0 snapshot available at and extract it somewhere. Add this location to your Java classpath when you compile and run the code below.

You are now ready to write your first Java application to control GPIO pins. Let’s start with a very simple loop to turn a LED on and off (the famous Blink example in Arduino):

//[...] add your methods here, then:
  GpioController gpio = GpioFactory.getInstance();
  GpioPinDigitalOutput redLED = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_01);
  while (true) {
    // Add a try/catch block around the following:

In the code above, you first need to import a number of packages; then, you set a GPIO controller and define an output pin attached to WiringPi pin 1 (with RaspiPin.GPIO_01). Then, the infinite loop keeps turning the LED on and off. Have a look at the documentation available online for additional examples: Pi4J is really well realised and there are plenty of examples available. For our action camera we are going to connect a red LED to GPIO_01 and a green LED to GPIO_02. These are configured as output pins. We then need an input pin and, more importantly, we need to start (or stop) recording when the state of this input pin changes. Pi4J provides a very convenient interface to detect pin changes. In the following example, we first define an implementation of this interface in the OnOffListener class:

public class OnOffStateListener implements GpioPinListenerDigital {
	public void handleGpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent(GpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent event) {
            // Just print on screen for the moment
            System.out.println("State has changed");

We then attach this listener to an input pin, as follows:

  GpioPinDigitalInput onOffSwitch = gpio.provisionDigitalInputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_14, PinPullResistance.PULL_UP);	
  onOffSwitch.addListener(new OnOffStateListener());

Here we first define an input pin for WiringPi pin 14 and then we attach the listener defined above to this pin. Note that I define the input with a PULL_UP resistor (if you don’t know what this means, have a look at the Arduino documentation before moving to the next step!). If you try this code, you should get a message every time the input pin changes its state.

Building the full application is now a matter of gluing together these pieces and some instructions to turn the video recording on or off at each state change of the input pin. This is the full code for the main application:

public class JvPi {
	// This is the controller.
	private GpioController gpio;
	// The current pin mapping
	private static final Pin redPin =  RaspiPin.GPIO_01;
	private static final Pin greenPin = RaspiPin.GPIO_02;
	private static final Pin switchPin = RaspiPin.GPIO_14;
	// The pins to which we attach LEDs
	private GpioPinDigitalOutput red,green;
	// this is going to be an input PULL_UP, see below.
	private GpioPinDigitalInput onOffSwitch;
	// set to true when capturing
	private boolean capturing;
	// Main method
	public JvPi() {
		this.gpio = GpioFactory.getInstance(); = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(redPin); = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(greenPin);
		this.onOffSwitch = gpio.provisionDigitalInputPin(switchPin, PinPullResistance.PULL_UP);
		// The listener takes care of turning on and off the camera and the red LED	
		onOffSwitch.addListener(new OnOffStateListener(this));
	public boolean isCapturing() {
		return this.capturing;
	public void toggleCapture() {
		this.capturing = !this.capturing;
	public GpioPinDigitalOutput getRed() {
	public GpioPinDigitalOutput getGreen() {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		JvPi jvpi = new JvPi();
		System.out.println("System started");
		while (true) {
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block

The main method simply creates a new instance of JvPi that, in turn, attaches a listener to the input WiringPi pin 14. This is the code for the listener:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class OnOffStateListener implements GpioPinListenerDigital {
	private JvPi jvpi;
	private final String height = "720";
	private final String width = "960";
	private final String fps = "15";
	private final String destDir = "/home/pi/capture/";
	// Remember to add filename and extension!
	private final String startInstruction = "/usr/bin/raspivid -t 0 -h "+height+ " -w "+width+
			" -o "+destDir;
	private final String killInstruction = "killall raspivid";
	public OnOffStateListener(JvPi j) {
		this.jvpi = j;
	public void handleGpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent(GpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent event) {
        // display pin state on console
        if (this.jvpi.isCapturing()) {
          System.out.println("Killing raspivid");
        } else {
          System.out.println("Starting raspivid");
	private void killCapture() {
	private void startCapture() {
		Date date = new Date() ;
		SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
		String filename = this.startInstruction + "vid-"+dateFormat.format(date) + ".h264";
	private void executeCommand(String cmd) {
		Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

As you can see, the code invokes raspivid if it was not capturing and it kills the raspivid process if it was running (TODO: improve error checking :-)! A number of default options, such as resolution and frame rate, can be configured here. The video is recorded to a file whose name is obtained from the current system date and time.

I have used a very basic box to store everything and I have attached the box to the helmet using electric tape: this is definitely not the ideal solution, but it is good enough for a proof of concept.

As usual, drop me an email (or leave a comment) if you have questions!

7 thoughts on “Building an action camera using a Raspberry Pi and Java

  1. Pingback: Build an action camera with a #RaspberryPi and Java | Raspberry Pi Pod

  2. Luke

    How heavy is this unit? I would like to build this myself, for fun and java experience also.

    1. franco Post author

      The unit without the battery is 125 g; this includes Raspberry Pi, USB wireless dongle, camera, LEDs, switch and USB cable (essentially, what you see in the pictures). I have two battery packs that I keep in my pocket: one is a 7000 mAh and it is a bit less than 180 g, the other is 9000 mAh and it is around 190 g.

  3. willem

    does it record soud?

    i’d like to build my own ‘GoPro’ think this will be a great start!!

    1. franco Post author

      Unfortunately the Raspberry camera does not have a microphone. The best option is probably to replace the Raspberry camera with a USB one, modifying the system calls appropriately, and at that point you have sound as well. Make sure you get a camera that works with the Raspberry Pi :-).

  4. mani

    can you please provide the link the digital switch from amazon? I could not find it anyware online? thanks

    1. franco Post author

      I bought mine from Maplin in the UK. Try searching for “on off switch” in amazon and you should find plenty of options.


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