05 July: Boismont to Luneville

20160705_102035 Finally a dry day! It was cloudy at the start and not too hot, probably around 18 C. The weather got better during the day and finally I could see some sun. Unfortunately, it was also quite windy, so it was hard even on flat.

For the first 50 km the route is mostly French countryside with further witnesses of battles. In this case, the Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871, and approximately 1 million casualties).

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The road then descends rapidly to reach the Moselle river. This is a river that originates in the Vosges and crosses France, Luxembourg and Germany before joining the Rhine in Koblentz. It is also a famous cycling path and indeed I met several people cycling it. In Pont-a-musson I met a group of German tourists on electric bikes. I should consider this option next time…

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After reaching Nancy I climbed gently to Luneville. This is today’s trace: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1242373556

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