13 July: Ravenna to Senigallia

20160713_070215We started cycling at 6:40 and it was already nearly 27 C in Ravenna. All day has been very hot and also very windy in many points. The route goes along canals and in pine forests (called “pineta” in Italian) for the first 30 km. Then, it reaches he coast and from that point onwards the landscape remains essentially the same until Senigallia. The only variation is around Gabicce Mare, where we climbed up the hills to avoid a main road. The views are fantastic and they are typical of the Marche region that we entered today.


Getting to the coast


Standard view from Rimini to Senigallia


Crossing the Rubicon: a portrait with Julius


This is the trace: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1254237241

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