14 July: Senigallia to Tolentino

20160714_065932A short but intense stage today. We left at 7AM from the B&B just outside Senigallia (see views from the B&B here on the left). After 7 km the road starts to climb and it keeps going up and down for approximately 80 km. Overall, we climbed a bit more than 1400 m crossing the Marche region through fantastic views. The temperature was much better than in the previous days, probably around 24 C, with a bit of cross wind in some parts.

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We stopped at Ettore’s place in Tolentino where we had a gorgeous lunch. Ettore will stop here, while tomorrow Aitor and I wll continue to Pescara. Unfortunately, it seems that the weather will get worse, with a lot of rain tomorrow and Saturday.

This is the trace for today: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1255372085


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