16 July: Pescara to Termoli

20160716_125336I have finally reached my destination: Termoli. I was alone for this last stage of approximately 100 km. The weather was still bad: cold, windy, and with several strong showers. The route follows the sea and remains next to it at the beginning but (something very unusual for this season) all the “stabilimenti balneari” were empty.

After joining the main road SS16 the route goes up and down several small towns, definitely more hilly than yesterday. The landscape is typical of this part of Southern Abruzzo: gentle hills next to the sea, and ancient fishing structures on the sea called “trabucco“.



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I kept a good average thanks to the wind, with some very fast sections on flat. I reached Termoli in less than 4 hours. Termoli is a sea town with a beautiful old town centre on top of a small hill, the last one that I have to climb in this trip.

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This is the trace for today: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1257983058


  • 16 days
  • 3082-967 = 2115 km
  • Approx 13,000 m climb (according to Strava)

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