25 July: Zurich to Chur

14063000675301A very sunny and a very hot day crossing Switzerland from Zurich to Chur, a place that I know quite well because it is not too far from Dervio… I left at 7am cycling along the lake and against the wind for a bit more than 30 km. I then met a German cyclist who is cycling from Germany to Locarno and we cycled all day together to Chur. After another lake and a few incredibly steep hills on the cycle path we had a nice lunch. Then, for the first time since I left, we had wind in favour! This was great, especially because the road kept climbing gently. Here is a short video:

We made a number of stops to refill water bottles. Luckily Swiss water is always good and cold and there is a fountain in every village. We reached Chur at 3pm and I was not tired at all as we kept a very gentle pace all the way.

Tomorrow is my final day, it’s going to be a big climb to Splugen pass. In the meantime, this is today’s trace:


And these are some pictures:







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